LAST UPDATED: 01/02/2024

Due to commercial agreements with our partners, refund and returns policy last for 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can no longer assist with any issues.

Where we do not offer refunds or returns:

Unfortunately, we do not offer returns or refunds on orders in cases of buyer’s remorse or size exchanges. As an eco-conscious company, we produce all our products on demand and thus we do not have excess stock for exchange. Once a product is opened, we usually can’t accept a return either under Article 16(c) and (e) of the Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights which states “sealed goods which were unsealed after delivery and thus aren’t suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons”.

Where we do offer refunds or returns:

At Funky T-Shirts, and our related commercial partners, we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled product quality. All our orders go through a 3-step quality check before we ship them out. Inevitably, sometimes somethings can slip through quality control.

If the product you have recieved is damaged, mislabeled or incorrect, we will offer a free replacement or refund, subject to investigation. We ask that you fill in the form below with your email address, order number and description of is wrong with a photo of the product. This will then be logged with our customer services team who will respond to your query within 7 days.


If you are offered a refund by our customer services team, the payment will be reversed back on the original payment method used. We cannot refund to alternative accounts.


If the customer services team offers you an exchange, they will provide a label for you to send the product back to us. Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary.

Shipping Issues

If you are not present to recieve the delivery or provide an invalid address that is insufficient by the courier, as per the couriers guidelines (this will vary per order), the shipment may be returned to our facility.

These order are then designated as unclaimed. If this happens you can provide a more accurate address and get a re-shipment ordered, subject to fees, again by filling in the form below. We only keep these orders unfulfilled for 30 days and then they are donated to charity at your cost (meaning without an issued refund).

We reserve the right to refuse returns at our sole discretion, but for any issues on our part, we endeavour to solve as quickly as possible at our expense.

Need help?

Fill in the form below if there are any further queries.